Video of service & Tony's Alki articles

Thank you to all of those who were able to attend my dad's service yesterday, and to all those who reached out with kind words and remembrances. It was wonderful to see folks there, and touching to hear what my dad meant to everyone. For anyone who wasn't able to attend and would like to know how it was, there's a video here. A written copy of the service is here . The slides that were shown during that part of the event are here

I enjoyed rereading some of my dad's writings in Alki magazine recently, and his quotes in the service were taken from these: 

My dad took a lot of photos, especially once he started using digital cameras. He also was pretty consistent at labeling people. If you were with him at times when he was taking photos and you'd like to see them, please let me know at, and I'll do my best to locate them and share. 


  1. Tony was a great friend of my dad. I remember seeing a picture of them kayaking. He’ll come over for family events always with a digital camera. Taking pictures of our family. I even thought that my parents always had a photographer around when I was little.Often times he comes over to do hobbies with my dad. I remember them building a forge. Seeing them both melting cans and making tin muffins together. Remembering that he had brought guns so that my older siblings could shoot along with him and my dad. He would also work on the old tractors my dad had. They both were the great of best friends. On my part of his loss my dad lost a good friend. Feeling grief and loss that he experience. But my family also have had lost a friend as well.

  2. I’ll miss Tony. He was always so kind and helpful. I knew him from volunteering at SKTL and attending ADTA meetings.


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